I have been writing journals as long as I can remember. I did it not only because I felt the need to manifest my thoughts into a large physical pile of paper that could be revisited, but I did it because it was enjoyable.
I am writing this as an end to my overly postponed GP report.
This is not saying that I didn't enjoy it, far form it, but taking the time to compile old information was tedious, a lot of notes (my notes), I had trouble comprehending. I believe that I waited to long and forced myself to set a pace for subsections for a non existent audience. Not that the practice wasn't a bad thing, unfortunately the writing experiment made the writing process feel more of a job than something I enjoy.
And I should get paid to do a job.
Just to sum up the event, I went 5-3-1. Going round 1 against faeries forced me to tie and paired against a lot of control match ups. I punted round 2 really badly against the mirror, so bad that my friends will probably never let me live down. Round 3 I beat what look to be a rav block pre-con. Round 4, I kept dredge at bay with thopter combo even tho he had zealot on board with two dredge returns in his yard. Round 5, fae, lost again. Round 6, scapeshift w/o cryptic command, he tried comboing a turn early. Round 7, zoo, thopter combo is awesome. Round 8 my buddy Dustin playing elves, taps out ghost quarters trying to combo faster than me, I top deck pieces both times. Round 8, fae with lolgoyf, I miss played thirst and he went anal retentive on me after calling a judge, I had to remind him that he was x-2-1 but missing day 2 by one round is serious business. I didn't take the match up serious enough and should of mulligan game 3, oh well.
Props to Charly and Danny for making day 2. Ben Rubin for smashing Charly with my token cards. And all my friends for almost getting us kicked out of our hotel room.
Slops: our gauntlet, for not being a legitimate gauntlet for the meta. A sloppy zoo build and no faeries deck. PTR, who received a perma-ban for shoving some kid. Pizza hut, for taking an hour and a half to deliver a block away. Alan Comer, for trying to get me DQ'd at the trial, paused my game state bc my opponent, who beat him, and myself didn't properly keep track of the damage that my dark confidant did while Doran was on the board. I saw him playing at tables 200+ the main event.
The extended meta has changed quite a bit since GP Oakland, if I were to try to replay the deck I would definitely send the Repeal to the board, as it was a dead card all but one round.
I hope to do more posts that feel less stale in the future.