The article can be found here: (apparently I can't make that into a click-able link)
"Magic: The Gathering is sort of like Dungeons & Dragons in card form. You use the powers provided by different cards to damage your enemy in various ways--for instance, you can attack your opponent using dragon armies or fireball spells. The Magic World Championship is held once a year in various cities around the world. It provides a nifty bonding experience for people who spend the majority of their disposable income on pieces of paper with pictures of dwarf princesses printed on them, and who enjoy sitting for countless hours in what appears to be the world's largest middle-school lunchroom"
The original photo contained an image of a yu-gi-oh card image on top of what looked like a photo of a PTQ mid round. After much verbal abuse from their twitter, site, and forums they finally changed the photo and much of the snarky commentary. The new article now reads.
"Magic: The Gathering is sort of like Dungeons & Dragons in card form. You use the powers provided by different cards to damage your enemy in various ways--for instance, you can attack your opponent using dragon armies or fireball spells. The Magic World Championship is held once a year in various cities around the world. It provides a bonding experience for people who spend the majority of their disposable income on pieces of paper with pictures of princesses printed on them, and also provides a chance to win cash prizes."
Apparently we still spend a majority of our income on cardboard princesses.
For those interested I set up a Facebook group that shares a name with today's title.

Goggling Dwarf images was scary.
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